where to find cgiar SRTM 4.1 DEMs?
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
The CGIAR site used to allow you to download 5x5 degree tiles of corrected SRTM data, but now when I go to the site: https://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/srtmdata/ there doesn't seem to be any link to click to actually download. Does anyone use the CGIAR data, and if so, do you know how to download it?
Thanks for any help.
Best Answer
The CGIAR link still works for me - I think they just reconfigured the GUI and added an extra step or two.
Now you have to click on the cell that you want dat for and then hit blue Search button as below:
Then click on "Download SRTM" as below:
Hope that helps.
Perfect, thanks so much! I appreciate CGIAR's making the data available, but it's not the most easily apparent process for downloading.
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