has anyone else tried to use chatgpt to write scripts?
I asked for a global mapper script that will take every loaded layer (line, dot, area) and export them individually into CAD files and name them accordingly.
I got the following:
// Global Mapper script to export loaded layers as individual DWG files
EXPORT_DIR = "C:\\Output\\DWG\\";
NUM_LAYERS = GM_LayerGetCount();
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LAYERS; i++) {
LAYER_HANDLE = GM_GetLayerByIndex(i);
GM_ExportLayer(LAYER_HANDLE, OUTPUT_FILE, GM_ExportFormat.DWG, GM_ExportFlags.ExportedFile);
GM_Message("Export complete.");
I also got the following when I asked again:
// Global Mapper script to export loaded layers as individual DWG files
// Define the output directory
EXPORT_DIR = "C:\\Output\\DWG\\";
// Get the number of loaded layers
NUM_LAYERS = GM_GetNumLoadedLayers();
// Loop through all the layers
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LAYERS; i++) {
// Get the layer handle
LAYER_HANDLE = GM_GetLayerByIndex(i);
// Get the layer name
// Set the output file name
// Export the layer as a DWG file
GM_ExportLayer(LAYER_HANDLE, OUTPUT_FILE, GM_ExportFormat.DWG, GM_ExportFlags.ExportedFile, "");
// Notify user when script is finished
GM_Message("Export complete.");
neither work!
any thoughts, ideas? I think some of the above are not actual GM script commands. I have to say I am not familiar with scripts at all and I was hoping that chatgpt would be my way into this realm.
Hi yianni,
Looks like chatgpt is giving you code that uses the Global Mapper SDK, probably the "C" language version, rather than GMS scripting language. I've never used chatgpt before, so I don't know how to get it to generate GM scripting language scripts.
I'd suggest looking at the Global Mapper online scripting references. The Quick Reference is here:
If you have problems, feel free to ask here in the forums.
Best regards,
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