Loading a workspace with scale ranges on layers with SDK 24
I'm using the SDK to develop a C# WPF app, and I want to load a Globl Mapper workspace on which I have some layers with scale ranges on the display options,
When I load the workspace, all the layers are correctly loaded but displayed at any zoom level, it seems like it ignores scale ranges,
They are correctly written in the .gmw file, with in the IMPORT line an argument ZOOM_DISPLAY="SCALE_RANGE,50000000,100000000"
Does anyone know how to use it properly ? Or is there an issue in the SDK by itself ?
I'm using the code in the WPFSample solution in the SDK.
Best regards,
I took a look at the code and it appears that the ZOOM_DISPLAY settings are not being obeyed when rendering with the SDK.
I will fix this and let you know when a new SDK build is available.
Global Mapper Guru
I have placed a new SDK v24.0.x installer at the location below which should obey the ZOOM_DISPLAY setting when drawing:
Global Mapper Guru
The new SDK installer was moved to the following location on our web site:
Global Mapper Guru
We have created a 'daily build' site for the Global Mapper SDK where you can pick up all of the latest bug fixes. You can now download the SDK from the link below and it will include your fix:
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