Export Lidar data as image
Is there a way to export LiDAR data as a high resolution Image? I added RGB values from a SUAS image to Lidar points to have a "vegetation background". I would like to export this as an ECW or Tiff image to use as a background in another application.
I created a raster on this data and tried to export that way but it did not give me the results I was looking for. Also the "capture screen contents to image" did not give me the resolution I need.
I would suggest using the Create Elevation Grid option on the Lidar and choose to grid the Color field. The options below should work:
You might want to increase the No Data distance so larger gaps are filled, but I wouldn't go too large with color gap filling as you would just get smudges of color.
You can then export the resulting image to a raster layer.
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