Can Global mapper process 10,000 drone images to create a orthomosaic?
I have a large some of drone data that needs processing. I require a orthomosaic for my client. The quality of the image needs to be at it's highest. Any help on processing large sums of data?
Technically, yes, but I would recommend running them in overlapping batches. Global Mapper doesn't have a maximum number of files that can be loaded, instead you're more likely to be limited by what your hardware can handle. Instead of processing all of them at once, you can separate them into chunks and merge them in Global Mapper.
Separate the images into groups, making sure that there is at least 1 row of image overlap, 2 would be better. (One way to do this is to create a grid over the image points, then buffer the grid to create overlap). This does mean that some images will be processed multiple times. Select the images within a buffer/area before opening the P2P tool.
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