Global Mapper Pro 24.0 Beta is open
Moderator, Trusted User
Global Mapper and Global Mapper Pro v24. Beta is now Open You will have access to the beta release starting today with a license that is valid until September 19, 2022. You can contact the Blue Marble testing team by email at with questions, concerns, or if you need more information.
Follow the link below to download a copy of Global Mapper and Global Mapper Pro v.24 with the beta license:
Release Notes for Global Mapper Pro 24 Beta:
Building Multiband Imagery
- Location: Select desired layers, right-click on them, and select the Layers submenu, select Create Multi Band Layer From Single Band Layers
3D rendering of Area cut-outs
Histogram Matching and Histogram Updates
- The new Histogram Matching option is available on the Color / Contrast Adjustment tab of the Options dialog for a layer. The Options Dialog is accessible by right-clicking a layer
- Histogram matching can only be performed on layers with the same band data type (i.e. unsigned 16-bit, unsigned 8-bit, etc.)
- Automatic Histogram Equalization: is on the Color / Contrast Adjustment tab of the Raster Options dialog
- The Equalize Histogram contrast adjustment mode and Histogram Matching cannot be used on the same layer at the same time
- The Histogram tab of the Metadata dialog now generates histograms faster through Multi-Threading
Variograms and Kriging
- These new features are located on the Analysis Menu Dropdown
Map Layout Updates
- Arrow Call Out Shapes have been added to the Map Layout
- With elements selected, the Right Click will no longer select unselected elements
- Now allows inserted elements in the map layout to snap to one another for alignment
Script Builder
- The Script Builder Tool is available under the File Menu dropdown
- When opened, the Script Builder automatically records actions in Global Mapper and will create a script for all successful actions possible.
- The Script Builder creates scripts for all functions that have a Global Mapper Script Command
3D Buffer Updates and Transparency
- A new type of Transparency is applied to 3D buffers for better visualization in 3D
- The 3D buffers tools/options are located in the right-click menu of Selected Features > Create Volumetric Features
Pixels-to-Points Updates
- The added ability to calculate image overlap statistics
- The added ability to Delete Camera from the Manage Cameras Dialog
- Pixel Snapping can be disabled when moving a Ground Control Point
- Full Zoom button and Draw a Box Zoom now added to P2P Preview Window
- Added Support for Kappa/Yaw/Phi Camera Orientation
- Overall improvements to processing and output. Please run your previous test cases!
Spatial Operations and Spatial Scripting Updates
- Added select-by-circle functionality to Spatial Scripting
- Syntax: 'select' [ 'add' | 'delete' ] <layer> 'circle' 'center' <number> ',' <number> 'radius' <number> [ <units>
- Added filter/select by MBR to spatial scripting
- The general syntax for specifying MBRs: MBR( left, top, right, bottom ) where 'left', 'right', 'top', and 'bottom' are all coordinates in the global projection. Note that MBRs must be normalized, i.e., left <= right, and bottom <= top.
- Added ability to invert the current selection to spatial operations selection types
- Syntax: 'select' [ 'add' | 'delete' | 'invert' ] set-expression
- The updated method used in Combine Operation of the Digitizer to use Spatial Operation Dissolve
- Other various bug fixes and speedups
Raster Calculator Updates
- Added 32-bit float as a direct multi-band option to the Raster Calculator
- Added layer-wide statistic variables to the Raster Calculator
- @min() @max(), @avg(), @stddev(), corresponding to layer min, max, average, and standard deviation
- If you have reported an issue to our Support Team in an earlier version of Global Mapper, please attempt to reproduce your error.
Reporting an Error
If you encounter any errors, please contact and include the following information:
- Description of the error/undesirable behavior
- Workflow to reproduce the error
- Data used (or sample/dummy data in the case of any proprietary datasets)
- Report error messages with as much available text as can be copied, or a screenshot.
- Expected behavior
Best Regards,
Beta Team
This discussion has been closed.
- 12.8K All Categories
- 5.7K Features Discussion
- 345 Downloading Imagery
- 1.3K Elevation Data
- 385 Georeferencing Imagery Discussion
- 639 GM Script Language
- 54 User Scripts
- 115 GPS Features
- 417 Projection Questions
- 827 Raster Data
- 1.3K Vector Data
- 6.6K Support
- 178 Announcement and News
- 918 Bug Report
- 558 SDK
- 1.2K Suggestion Box
- 3.7K Technical Support
- 570 Other Discussion
- 131 GIS Data Sources
- 27 Global Mapper Showcase
- 239 How I use Global Mapper
- 107 Global Mapper Forum Website