Application won't start after Windows 11 upgrade - Global Mapper v20 x64.
I recently upgraded to Windows 11, and when I tried to launch Global Mapper it failed with this message:
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."
I don't know if it was caused by the upgrade. I uninstalled the software, and re-installed, but with same results. Thinking it was from WIndows 11, I rolled back to WIndows 10, and re-installed again, but with the same results on the "unable to start" error. I'm not sure at this point if it's a Windows issue, or if I've somehow disconnected my license.
There was a help request titled "Problem Opening Map" from 2012. At one point in troubleshooting that problem, somebody suggested extracting the contents of a zipped install, and pasting them into the program folder in WIndows. That was for version 14. I am running Global Mapper v20, or was until it stopped working.
Thanks for any suggestions
Global mapper will run fine even if your license file has been removed; it will ask for you to get a license and refuse to do most things (including saving any work) but that would not cause a crash.
Hands on copying of the program files can work, but changes in folder names or paths can make that fail. It is better to run the installer. The folder copy is less likely to work from 10 to 11 than from 10 to 10.
The most likely causes of this error are missing DLL files or the .net framework. Try updating your drivers, and possibly (re) installing directx. For windows 10, if you stay there, update it as well. Also see if you can find any additional messages or relevant log files.
I would first download a fresh copy of the installer, in case that has become corrupted, and reinstall once more using that. If it fails, then I would try the windows ideas, starting with install of .net framework, then update drivers and such, look for log messages, let us know what all you try in this process.
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