Incomplete Flattened Site Plan
I love the terrain modelling capabilities of GM (V23)!
However, sometimes an incomplete surface is created as shown below. It usually happens when I have a complex shape with many vertices that I'm using to create the "flattened site plan", but in the case below the shape (magenta line) only has 6 vertices.
What is happening and are there any workarounds?
I'm re-posting as I didn't hear from anyone before...
This problem continues to annoy me. Typically the incomplete render surface is on "internal" slopes, rather than external ones.
Any and all suggestions appreciated.
G'day GM'ers,
I'm re-re-posting this as my frustration levels are reaching epic proportions! I'm still getting this incomplete "flattened site plan" problem even with GM v25.0...
As shown below I'm designing a channel cut through the topography with 45 degree cut slopes along both sides but, as usual GM has only cut and rendered the outside (RHS) slope and the inside (LHS) slope is just a vertical line. In the plan you can see the "jagged" rendering of where GM has tried to cut the other slope, but it is inconsistent.
This happens so frequently with me that I'm sure other people have had similar issues.
Any thoughts gratefully appreciated!
Hi Al,
Can you send some data illustrating the problem to . If we can reproduce the issue we can hopefully fix whatever is happening.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks Mike.
I just sent a long winded message to geohelp along with screengrabs of typical workflow and .gmw and .gmp of example workspace.
I am also having this kind of issue. Please keep us updated.
Any news about this issue?
Best regards
Hi Michele,
No joy yet unfortunately😞. A bug ticket was submitted (GM-16363) to investigate further on 02-Nov-23, but nothing yet.
My current workaround (which is tedious, but works) is to break the "design" centreline into multiple straight sections, buffer them to the required design width and then run the "flattened site plan" tool on each straight section individually. I then combine them using the combine surfaces tool.
This seems to work as the incomplete render surface problem seems to only occur on "internal" slopes, where there are overlapping slope cut/fill surfaces. This doesn't seem to happen on "external" slopes as they daylight at a single point with no overlapping cut/fill surfaces. Hope this makes sense...
Hi Michele / Al,
I just took a look at this and was able to track down the issues that you were seeing and get them fixed. With the holidays the bug approval process is slower than usual, but at least after the new year, the daily build at should have a fixed version of v25.0.x.
Global Mapper Guru
Hi Mike,
Thanks very much for your help. This bug has been present for a long time (since V16 at least) and I'm glad that you have taken a look at it!
I just downloaded the latest build (b010224) and tried it with the trial workspace data that I provided previously and while it is a definite improvement I'm still not getting a clean edge along cuts (and fills) on internal slope surfaces (external slopes have always been fine).
The screengrabs below show 1). what was happening previously (cyan surface), 2). my workaround which is to break design centreline into separate straight sections, batter, create flattened site plan and re-combine using Combine tools (orange surface), 3). latest build 010224 (yellow surface) and 4). combined (all three) surfaces:
You can see where the latest build isn't giving a clean edge (i.e. protruding yellow surface) in the combined screengrab above and also in the plan and section below:
I have uploaded a package file to the Google Drive folder associated with this enquiry (GM-16363).
Not sure where we go from here...?
Hi CarrickCon,
With the holidays it seems that my fixes haven't actually made it into the daily build yet, so you wouldn't be seeing the fixed results yet. Today is really the first day that everyone is back in the office, so hopefully in the next few days it will show up with much smoother edges (your data was my test case).
I'll post here when it's ready so you know when to download.
Global Mapper Guru
The changes should be included in the next v25.0.x daily build available tomorrow.
Here is the display that I get after running the fixed version:
Global Mapper Guru
Many thanks Mike and GM development team for fixing this long running bug!
I downloaded latest build (b010424) and tried my best to break the fix with complex cuts and fills over various DTM's and couldn't get it to fail, so all good!☺️
That's fantastic! Glad to hear everything is working well. The fix will officially be in the 25.1 release next month, but of course just keep using the 25.0.x daily build until then.
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