possible to add: Belgium Lambert72 is 31370
Hi Mike,
there is a Belgium projection in GM mapper but I need to convert to
Lambert72 - 31370
is it possible to include this. I understand it is the currently used updated projection in Belgium.
greets Stefan
You should be able to use the 'Init from EPSG' and enter 31370.
OK: simple did not notice this feature!
I also need to adjust height. I can simply adjust an offset in the LAS pointcloud. but when you do this the point cloud does not show up anymore in the 3D viewer.
is that a limitation or a bug?
When I save the las to a new las (with the offset) I can view the new las correctly in the 3D viewer.
I am able to reproduce the issue with the data disappearing in 3D when an Offset is applied on the Alter Elevations Values tab of the Options dialog. That is definitely a bug. I will log it.
If you instead shift the point cloud by right-clicking on it in the Control Center, then selecting to Shift the layer and provide a Z shift, the 3D view shows the data with the updated elevation values.
thanks Mike!
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