Grid displacement (shift)
Hi Mike,
Please look into this:
When I have LAS data and convert this to a GM-grid and tick the box - save to GMG: the saved GMG will be aligned to the grid (meters) as set in settings). But when I do this in two steps (first the grid results then save that to GMG and load that grid) the resulting GMG is NOT aligned to the grid.
I can shift to align - but this shift can not be saved.
This applies also to Analysis - Raster calculations: you have to go two steps and the GMG grid will not align. No way to save the GMG as an aligned grid.
When using cross-sections: the mis-aligned visual data is used so the cross sections are misaligned too, until the shift is made. (No way to save this in a file, maybe in the GM project but you have to realign the grid in a new project).
The DATA: this is OK. It just seems to be a visual misalignment. (I recalculated some grids by hand to verify)
I think this as a BUG: All GMG saves should be aligned to / snapped to Grid if set so in settings.
Can you please look into this!
Hi Stefan,
I am able to reproduce this and have made GM-13237 to investigate.
thanks! Looking forward...
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