Good morning, thanks in advance for any tips on this. Looking to create a buffer for a rectangular shape with different x and y offset distances. Currently it looks like global mapper creates the offsets for all sides equally, let me know if there's a work around for this, including an image below for clarity. I have thousands of rectangles I need to offset, looking for an automated process to go about this. Thank you
This is kind of a complicated workaround, but it should accomplish what you want for different x-y widths around a rectangular area.
1) Create a buffer of the shortest dimension
2) Select the buffer and use "Advanced feature creation options->Create line features from selected area features"
3) That should give you four lines. Now select the two lines on the side that you want the longer width, and create buffers for the difference between the shorter and longer widths.
4) Now just combine the original buffer and the two buffers you created. Below is a kind of schematic:
Thank you for your response @JSL great workaround. For this particular case, I'm looking more for an automated process, that can do the offsets for thousands of polylines. I've found a couple other softwares (Grasshopper for example) that could potentially automate the process, not sure if Global mapper (with Python or adding a functionality for future versions) would be able to do it.
Appreciate the response!
I'm not sure how this would work in the general Buffer case, as not all edges would be horizontal/vertical, so the distances to diagonal lines would perhaps need to be scaled.
In any case, we do have support coming for creating MBRs for geometries (or collections of geometries) via scripting, around geometries, and that could well be adaptable to specifying x- and y- offsets to the MBR. I'll add that as a possible enhancement. This is the sort of thing that would most likely wind up in our SDK, including the Python portion.
Best regards,
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