How to use shortcuts
newbie here. tried learning shortcuts and found it very confusing. at one point trying to insert multiple vertices and keeping the curser in insert mode took press and hold the I key. no where on the short cuts page it mentioned that. other time press and hold does not work. obviously a video will be even better.
This worked for me:- Click the Digitizer button
- Select the feature you want to edit
- Right-click and choose Insert Vertex
- Hold down the I key and left-click to insert a vertex
As long as you hold down the I key when you click to insert a vertex, the cursor should stay in "insert vertex" mode.
Bob -
Thanks Bob,
It does work, whoever my original complaint was that this sequence was not part of the steps listed on the SHORTCUT KEY LIST linked on the help dropdown menu. Unless it is listed somewhere where and I could not find it. The good news is that I applied the same sequence to the move vertex tool, and it worked about the same. i.e., Select the vertex, right click for ‘move vtx’, press and HOLD alt and now move and repeat – select and move.I'm making progress :-)
In the shortcut key list section for Digitizer Modifiers, the introduction says, "Combine these modifier keys with LEFT CLICK to change digitizer behavior." Did you find this to be unclear? Would it be better to say, "Press and HOLD these modifier keys with LEFT CLICK to change digitizer behavior"?
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