Arbitrary surface creation
Hi all. I have a large pit void out of the top of a hill that I have modelled. The client has requested an estimate of the total volume of material removed from the original surface profile. I therefor need to recreate a dome shape above the pit void. Any ideas how to do this in GM please?
Hi MartecA,
I sometimes face the same problem. You need to create original ground contours above the pit void. Ideally you will have these from a pre-mining survey or perhaps from a public domain source (SRTM?). If not, you can create approximate contours by examining adjacent un-mined slopes and assuming that the area over the pit has similar slopes. However you should note that this will only give you a rough estimate.
If you could post the DTM/elevation grid that you are using I may be able to help you better.
Thank you Al.
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