quick change between projections - toolbar? favorites?
Global Mapper User
I use GM to export several different file formats to use with 3rd party navigation systems. some of those file formats use projected CRS (like UTM) and some use geographic.
Was thinking it'll be helpful to have a drop-down window in the toolbar (or add to favorites toolbar??) that allows a selection of the most recently used projections. what do you think?
I use GM to export several different file formats to use with 3rd party navigation systems. some of those file formats use projected CRS (like UTM) and some use geographic.
Was thinking it'll be helpful to have a drop-down window in the toolbar (or add to favorites toolbar??) that allows a selection of the most recently used projections. what do you think?
I have added item GM-12357 to our task list so we can evaluate adding this function to a future version of Global Mapper. Thank you for the suggestion.
Bob -
Can I second the suggestion? I think it would be useful.Could you also think of a way of allowing users to set favourite projection-datum pairs in a drop-down? For example, 95% of the time I use UTM30 WGS84, 31N WGS84 or British Grid OSGB36. It would be nice for these to be easily accessible rather than having to pick the projection & datum separately from the Configuration menu.
It remains to be seen how we would implement this, but it seems best that each item in the drop-down list would represent a complete definition (projection, datum, unit, etc.), so it can be changed with a couple of clicks. I think this would achieve what you are looking for.
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