Resampling with Webtile export not working
Hi guys,
(sorry, I posted this accidentality already in Feature Discussion, but it belongs here)
I need to create webtiles from Tif-files. Here is a sample, which reproduces this effect:
- So I load the tif
- set resampling to Bicubic and
- export to OSM tiles
result is always the same, main level is fine, but I need 10 smaller levels too and they are just resampled with nearest neighbour, so looking rather ugly.
Using GM 22.1, any ideas?
result is always the same, main level is fine, but I need 10 smaller levels too and they are just resampled with nearest neighbour, so looking rather ugly.
Using GM 22.1, any ideas?
Thanks Tom

Hello Tom,
I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email ( with regard to this problem. Please include a detailed description of your workflow, including a screen capture of the options you use for the export, and the link to your source file. Thank you.
Bob -
Hi Bob,thanks for answering.I did call support already, but didn't get any useful answer.Its kind of an urgent project, so I was hoping somebody here knows the trick, but after spending again some hours on this today its maybe a bug?CheersTom
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