Using legacy DXF exporter with script

Global Mapper User
In the 22.1 version how do i specify to use the legacy DXF exporter in a script? I have existing scripts that now produce unwanted results in DXF exports unless i do them manually and select the legacy exporter check box.
In the 22.1 version how do i specify to use the legacy DXF exporter in a script? I have existing scripts that now produce unwanted results in DXF exports unless i do them manually and select the legacy exporter check box.
The parameter is USE_LEGACY_DXF_EXPORTER=YES. It looks like this didn't make it into the documentation. Sorry about that.
What are the unwanted results you are getting with the new DXF exporter?
Bob -
Thank you Bob.
Unwanted results were after import into my 3D program. Under the same import settings the object would come in as a spline instead of a mesh object. There were no splines in my export from GM, only 3d faces. -
It would be helpful if you could contact Blue Marble Support via email ( and provide information about your work flow that produced incorrect results. Please include the data you are exporting and a screen capture of the export settings (I'm assuming you get the same result if you use the new exporter via the GUI.) This should help us get this fixed in the new DXF exporter. Thank you.
Bob -
We have added functionality to the new DXF exporter to export TIN Face area features from Global Mapper as 3D Face features in the DXF (or DWG) file. This is the same functionality as in the legacy DXF exporter (though it is new in DWG exports.) This is available in the latest Global Mapper daily build.
Bob -
Thanks Bob. I will get support the information on my dxf workflow. I'll get the new build and try it out.
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