Cross Section
i have some DTMs, and using the Path Profile tool i can have a Xsection, (this drwaing by myself a centerline).
How can i get Xsection using a centerline (DXF, Route file, etc) how to import it?
Is it possible to plot my xsections by batch? every X mts?
Is the Xsection plot editable? Date, projection, name, etc etc ?
How can i get Xsection using a centerline (DXF, Route file, etc) how to import it?
Is it possible to plot my xsections by batch? every X mts?
Is the Xsection plot editable? Date, projection, name, etc etc ?
- Import DXF, stating the datum and known properties that you have. Check if it is detected automatically. First be sure, that import is correct.
- Batch import is possible (but I didn't try it).
- The plot should be editable, but be sure that the edits are displayed correct in the export to your DTM.
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