Organized PointCloud, e57 or ptx standard
Any news on this capability
The option to 'Sort Poorly Organized Point Clouds' will re-organize a point cloud spatially so that points that are close to each other spatially are close to each other in the file. If you change your Lidar draw mode to 'Color Lidar by Point Index' you can visualize the sort.
You can also force the sort of any loaded point cloud by right-clicking on it in the Control Center, then selecting the Layer -> Sort Point Clouds option to spatially sort it.
You can then export the sorted cloud to any supported format, like LAS, LAZ, etc. Export to e57 is not currently supported, but is on our todo list (item GM-3867) and will likely be in an upcoming release.
yes, You can also force the sort of any loaded point cloud by right-clicking on it in the Control Center,
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