Issues with sample spacing
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Bug Report
there seems to be a bug where I cannot create points every 100km along a line. This occurs if I define the spacing unit as kilometres in the drop down menu of the Sample Spacing Setup card and not if I ask the software to create a point every 100,000 meters.
there seems to be a bug where I cannot create points every 100km along a line. This occurs if I define the spacing unit as kilometres in the drop down menu of the Sample Spacing Setup card and not if I ask the software to create a point every 100,000 meters.
Just to add that, after I press ok what I get on GM is points every 1km again and not every 100km as I wanted it to do. I am running v22.0.0
any ideas?
y -
This is a known bug that has been fixed in our daily build. After installing the latest version, if you are still seeing this problem, please contact Blue Marble Support directly via email ( to find a solution. Be sure to include a detailed description of your workflow, including screen captures of the options you are using for sample spacing. Thanks.
Bob -
Thanks I ll get IT to get the latest build installed.
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