Select and highlight raster layer with feature info tool
Background: We frequently load 1,000s of elevation rasters
simultaneously in order to merge them into regional DEMs. It is often
necessary to select and apply elevation offsets individual rasters to
make them consistent with the surrounding data.
Problem: Currently
the only way to select a problem raster for editing is to hover the
mouse cursor over the raster in the map window, take note of the
raster's name in the status bar, and then manually search for it in the
layers list. If the layers are not ordered alphabetically, this is an
impossible task.
Solution: Enhance
the behavior of the feature info tool. When a raster is selected in the
map view with the info tool, the corresponding layer should be
highlighted in the Control Center's layers list. That way it can be
easily located and selected for editing. Bonus points if the layers list
automatically scrolls to the selected layer's location in the list.
The functionality described above is used by numerous sonar data processing suites. SonarWiz, HyPack and Caris all allow rasters to be selected in the layers list by clicking the raster in map view.
I have added feature request GM-11366 to our task list. Thank you for the suggestion.
Bob -
I wanted to add a few notes on this that you can do right now in 21.1 to find this layer.
With the info tool, you could copy the layer name (CTRL+C). Then in the control center either right click on the Current Workspace name, or press CTRL+F with the control center active, and you can paste the layer name to find it in the list (CTRL+V)
The Search Layer Descriptions (CTRL+F) tool was added to the control center was added in Global Mapper 21.0 -
Thank you, Bob and Katrina.
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