Global Mapper v22.0 Beta
UPDATE: The Beta Build posted in the link below has been updated with changes made based on customer response. Please update your installation. Thank you!
Global Mapper beta 22.0 is open! You will have access to the beta release from today with a license that is valid until September 14th. Please use this time to thoroughly test the software, with a specific focus on the newly added functionality. You can contact the Blue Marble testing team by email at with questions, concerns, or if you need more information.
Follow the link below to download a copy of v22.0 with the beta license:
This version includes many new and improved capabilities, most of which were added based on ongoing requests and suggestions from users. Below is a list of the new features implemented in Global Mapper v22.0. Please read the list carefully as some of the items include special instructions and requests.
Global Mapper and LiDAR Module 22.0 Beta Release Notes:
TIN Simplification: A new right-click option for Generated TIN layers. Right-click on theTIN layer and that option will be in the Layer sub-menu. It's as simple as that!
Eye Dome Shading for Lidar in the 3D viewer: Located in the Configuration menu under 3D View > Environment
Sweep Selection in the 3D View: With the 3D Digitizer active you can use the new sweep selection. While the Digitizer is active use Ctrl and Alt to add and subtract from your selection, and hold Shift to navigate.
Post Processing Report for Pixels to Points tool: A report generated when a Pixels to Point job is complete. Knowledge is power!
Improved Lidar Auto Classification of Buildings: This is a new and experimental update. Please send us test data if possible as we need as much information as possible.
The old Auto Building Classification is still accessible through the Favorites Menus
Improved Automatic Extraction of Buildings: This is a new and experimental update. Please send us test data if possible as we need as much information as possible.
Spatial Operation- Find intersections of multiple overlapping area features: Located in the Analysis Menu and on the toolbar.
Terrain Editing Tools: A new set of tools that allow the editing of terrain data. This new tool set is located in the Analysis Menu and on the toolbar.
Import Mapbox Vector Tiles (MBtiles) format
If you have reported an issue to our Support Team in an earlier version of Global Mapper, please attempt to reproduce your error.
Reporting an Error
If you encounter any errors, please contact and include the following information:
Description of the error/undesirable behavior
Workflow to reproduce the error
Data used (or sample/dummy data in the case of any proprietary datasets)
Error messages reported, with as much available text as can be copied, or a screenshot.
Expected behavior
Including as much of this information as possible will ensure that we can get a detailed report to our development team and resolve your issue promptly. Updated builds will be released throughout the beta testing period, so if you encounter a problem that stops your testing, we’ll try to get a fix out as soon as possible.
Your participation is greatly appreciated. Thank you for continuing to help improve Global Mapper.
Loving the new features; especially TIN Simplification and Terrain Editing. Super useful!
I've reported a few minor bugs via email.
Nice work team! -
Nice and useful additions to the already amazing features and possibilities of Global Mapper!
A great addition to the Terrain Paint tools would be the option in the "Set Terrain Height" for the vertex in the line or area you draw, to sample the elevation of the terrain you click. Like this the interpolation is done according to the "correct" terrain value and not to a single height value.
Good job as usual!! -
Great additions to an already fantastic piece of software!
I just received the email announcing version 22 release and I noticed that the terrain painting feature is included in the LIDAR module and not in the GM core, why is it like that? It is not related to LIDAR and we would love to have it without having to buy the LIDAR module that we don't use otherwise.
Best regards -
Michele said:Great additions to an already fantastic piece of software!
I just received the email announcing version 22 release and I noticed that the terrain painting feature is included in the LIDAR module and not in the GM core, why is it like that? It is not related to LIDAR and we would love to have it without having to buy the LIDAR module that we don't use otherwise.
Best regards
So very disappointed to find this bundled in a completely unrelated add-on. I hope this is just a mistake. -
Is there any comment on this by GM people?
Best regards -
For anyone interested, I asked about this by email and the answer was that the terrain painting tools is indeed in the lidar module and it needs the module license to work. It was said that this is because it works with complex data.
It seems to me this is just an attempt at selling more lidar modules licenses, because these tools have nothing to do with lidar and actually don't even work on lidar data.
Best regards
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