How to send raster data to my Garmin?
I searched all the way through the internet and I found a way to send the raster data to a Garmin device.
Let me brief it for you what I found!
Use BaseCamp software available on <a href="https:">garmin basecamp download</a> to pull in the JNX from the device, then send it back to the device to unlock it.
the JNX files should be saved in the 'Garmin/BirdsEye' folder. If your device is connected when you start the export the default export folder should be in the appropriate location.
But how one can do with kmz format any idea?
Let me brief it for you what I found!
Use BaseCamp software available on <a href="https:">garmin basecamp download</a> to pull in the JNX from the device, then send it back to the device to unlock it.
the JNX files should be saved in the 'Garmin/BirdsEye' folder. If your device is connected when you start the export the default export folder should be in the appropriate location.
But how one can do with kmz format any idea?
The KMZ format for Garmin has no perspective. File size limitation - 32 Mb. But if you need, then the KMZ file must be placed Garmin / CustomMaps.
There are alternative ways to create raster maps for Garmin, but they cannot be discussed here. Probably.
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