Select cropping area feature
When generating a grid, the boundary can be set using Crop to Selected Area Feature(s), which requires to first select the Area feature and then start the Grid creation.
Suggestion is to add an option to select the area feature from the Grid Creation Options / Grid Bounds tab.
This brings all settings for grid creation into the Options menu (which would make the process more straightforward).
To clarify, it sounds like you want to be able to select area features while the options dialog is visible. Is this correct?
Bob -
Yes, that is correct, including the selection of the area feature in the Grid bounds menu itself, so that all the steps to create a grid can be managed from within the Options dialog.(to keep the program consistent, this would than also apply to all the places where there is a grid bound option, like e.g. in Contour generation).
We have added feature request GM-11190 to our task list. Thanks for the suggestion.
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