Exporting PDF spends most of the time calculating statistics of hidden layers
in Bug Report
Hi there,
I have a gmw file with more than 100 raster layers; I need all these satellite images in the same gmw file to monitor surface changes. I also have various vector layers. When I am trying to export one raster layer with vector layers superimposed to PDF, most of the exporting time, several minutes, is used to calculate auto-contrast statistics of many layers (perhaps not all, hard to tell) which are in the gmw which but are deactivated (unchecked boxes). Could this be improved?
I have a gmw file with more than 100 raster layers; I need all these satellite images in the same gmw file to monitor surface changes. I also have various vector layers. When I am trying to export one raster layer with vector layers superimposed to PDF, most of the exporting time, several minutes, is used to calculate auto-contrast statistics of many layers (perhaps not all, hard to tell) which are in the gmw which but are deactivated (unchecked boxes). Could this be improved?
I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com) to address this issue. Please include a workspace that illustrates the situation, with enough raster layers to illustrate the issue (hopefully a relatively small subset will be enough to show what is happening) along with screen captures of the options screens you use during the export. Thanks.
Bob -
I will do, thanks Bob!
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