Displaying the Terrain Layers legend when exporting Path Profile to vector format
Does anyone know how display the Terrain Layers legend in your PDF when using Save Rendered Profiles to Vector Format/PDF? It displays fine when using Save Bitmap (BMP) File but not when using Save Rendered Profiles to Vector Format/PDF.
The Path Profile is meaningless without it as I have several terrains displayed but no explanation as to what they are.
Does anyone know how display the Terrain Layers legend in your PDF when using Save Rendered Profiles to Vector Format/PDF? It displays fine when using Save Bitmap (BMP) File but not when using Save Rendered Profiles to Vector Format/PDF.
The Path Profile is meaningless without it as I have several terrains displayed but no explanation as to what they are.
I have updated to 21.1 and can now see the new PDF Export Option include a check box for Save Map Layout (Scale/Margins/Grid/Legend/etc)
Bizarrely it only worked once (although duplicating all the map layout elements) but now refuses to work any longer. I am contacting support to see if there is a fix.
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