Export point cloud with RGB
I'm new to GM so just learning the software. I have an .ASC point cloud file loaded and I want to export it with RGB colours from one of the shaders. I can create an elevaten grid and export an XYZ file with RGB but I lose a lot of detail by creating the grid.
Is there a way to export a point cloud with RGB without creating a grid? And in doing so retaining the original point cloud.
Any help appreciated here!
I'm new to GM so just learning the software. I have an .ASC point cloud file loaded and I want to export it with RGB colours from one of the shaders. I can create an elevaten grid and export an XYZ file with RGB but I lose a lot of detail by creating the grid.
Is there a way to export a point cloud with RGB without creating a grid? And in doing so retaining the original point cloud.
Any help appreciated here!
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