KMZ - Point icons scale value save location
Global Mapper User
in Vector Data
Can I ask the reasoning behind saving a point symbol scale as a variable in the filename instead of using the KML supported <scale> parameter in <IconStyle>?
This is what GM does:
Can I ask the reasoning behind saving a point symbol scale as a variable in the filename instead of using the KML supported <scale> parameter in <IconStyle>?
This is what GM does:
<href>kml_ext_files/<![CDATA[kml_symbol_scenic view@scale=10_0.png]]></href>
This is what the documentation says (
This is what the documentation says (
<href>kml_ext_files/<![CDATA[kml_symbol_scenic view.png]]></href>
Any response would be much appreciated.
Any response would be much appreciated.
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