Possible bug(s) in the new "Set Transparent Color" picker

Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Bug Report
I am very keen on the possibility of setting multiple transparent colours on raster overlays, but I am having trouble using the tool as currently implemented.
Firstly, when I use the pick from map tool, it does not pick from the uppermost overlay (e.g. the red in the attached image) but from the first drawn image, in my case a Bing satellite image (I get green instead of red). I can get the tool to pick the uppermost layer only by switching off the underlying images. I have tried the latest daily build but this hasn't helped
The second associated problem is that once I have created an inappropriate transparent colour, I can't find an easy way of deleting it. How is this done?
Thanks for any help that you can give me,

Same observation here. You have to uncheck the underlying layer first to get the color of the raster overlay you wish to make transparent. And yes, I suggest there must be a delete button if one wish to not include colors which are initially selected.
I have been told by support that this is a known bug and that they are working on a fix.
These issues have been addressed in the latest daily build.- The color picker will select the color from the topmost layer.
- You can delete a color from the list by selecting it in the list and pressing the Delete key.
Bob -
Thanks! Works perfectly now
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