v21: Export PDF with rotated view mis-aligns labels
Geotechnical EngineerTrusted User
in Bug Report
I have a drawing where I work with a 55CCW rotation so the highway alignment goes nicely left-right across my screen. If I export a PDF limited to "All Data Visible on Screen", it creates a PDF with north up (as it should since it is a GeoPDF) but the test hole labels remain in the locations they were displayed in the rotated view. The contour labels are fine. If I remove the rotation and do the same export boundaries, the test hole labels line up.
That sounds like a bug. I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com) so they can get your problem into our tracking system. Please include a detailed description of your workflow, and a workspace and associated data that they can use to reproduce the problem locally. Thanks.
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