.E57 point cloud data and saving work spaces
Global Mapper User
in Bug Report
I have some point cloud data saved into an .e57 format. It has 2 layers inside of it, ground and non ground points. When i first load the .e57 file into GM it does fine. But when I save the workspace, and reopen the workspace, the first layer is duplicated, and the 2nd layer is gone. GM v20.1
Is this a bug? I will attach screen captures -
BEFORE saving workspace -
Is this a bug? I will attach screen captures -
BEFORE saving workspace -
After re-loading workspace -
Do you run into this same problem when you load the .e57 data into a new workspace by itself? I expect that you will, but it is worth checking.
In any event, I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com) to address this issue. Please include a detailed description of your workflow, including screen captures of any options windows and your .e57 data set so the support team can reproduce the problem locally. Thanks.
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