Automating 4 simple tasks of Global mapper using visual studio and C#
Hello experienced people !!
I am a student doing a project and in which i am using Global Mapper for some tasks. I need to automate the process using visual studio and C#.
Basically, i am taking geodata from Google earth as .kmz , feeding it to global mapper where i give it projection and applying geosource (SRTM) and then exporting it to text file. I know it manually but need to automate it.
I need to automate this process of Global Mapper
1) Opening of .kmz file
2) Setting its projection in tools> configure
3) Applying online imagery by File> Apply online imagery > SRTM
4) Exporting as text file by File> export > vector/lidar format (ASCII Format)
I need it to do in Visual studio because after that i also have to automate the process of making topography in Autodesk Revit by that text file.
Since i am new to programming and i know the process of automation of Autodesk Revit but not of Global Mapper. Can anybody help in this regard. I am using Global Mapper version 18, 64 bit
PS: I saw something like creating workspace and loading but i dont understand it.
I am a student doing a project and in which i am using Global Mapper for some tasks. I need to automate the process using visual studio and C#.
Basically, i am taking geodata from Google earth as .kmz , feeding it to global mapper where i give it projection and applying geosource (SRTM) and then exporting it to text file. I know it manually but need to automate it.
I need to automate this process of Global Mapper
1) Opening of .kmz file
2) Setting its projection in tools> configure
3) Applying online imagery by File> Apply online imagery > SRTM
4) Exporting as text file by File> export > vector/lidar format (ASCII Format)
I need it to do in Visual studio because after that i also have to automate the process of making topography in Autodesk Revit by that text file.
Since i am new to programming and i know the process of automation of Autodesk Revit but not of Global Mapper. Can anybody help in this regard. I am using Global Mapper version 18, 64 bit
PS: I saw something like creating workspace and loading but i dont understand it.
I don't know the answer to your specific question, but you need to use scripts - have you looked at the very helpful scripting reference?(click on any of the listed entries for detail)Good luck, hope this helps!
We also have a recorded webinar that provides an introduction to scripting in Global Mapper. It refers to an older version of Global Mapper, but the basics of scripting remain the same.
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