How to load API Map Servers
I am new to GM and what I am trying to do is view my companies 'C Maps' which are provided via a URL with an API Key.
I have tried all the options available via the 'Select Online Data Source to Download - Add New Source' (such as TMS, WCS, WFS etc.) but to date I have been unsuccessful. What I don't see is any of the options asking for the actual API key.
If it's any help, what I am trying to do is the same as adding 'XYZ Tiles - New Connection' in QGIS!!
Any help would be great.
Thanks, Tim
I am new to GM and what I am trying to do is view my companies 'C Maps' which are provided via a URL with an API Key.
I have tried all the options available via the 'Select Online Data Source to Download - Add New Source' (such as TMS, WCS, WFS etc.) but to date I have been unsuccessful. What I don't see is any of the options asking for the actual API key.
If it's any help, what I am trying to do is the same as adding 'XYZ Tiles - New Connection' in QGIS!!
Any help would be great.
Thanks, Tim
Is the API key included as part of the URL, or is it included in an authorization header, or something similar? Can you provide a sample of the URL with the API key applied (or at least an indicator of where the API key would go)? That might help the crowd figure out how it can fit into the Global Mapper interface.
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply. The API key is part of a URL. Below is what the URL looks like (with a couple of modifications as I am not at liberty to share the full URL), so if this helps with how to get the maps displayed please let me know.
Cheers, Tim -
Hi Tim,
Have you tried the TMS tiles definition, with the full URL, including the API key, and substituting %x, %y, and %z for the tile identifier? Such as this:
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your response and sorry for not getting back to you earlier.
I have indeed tried using the TMS tiles definition option, but I get an error message (see image 5).
The other images (1-4) show the steps I have taken to try and get them to load - can you see any obvious error I'm doing?
Thanks for your help. -
In order to get Global Mapper to put the tile coordinate values into the URL, you must use %x, %y, and %z (for X, Y, and Z, respectively). In your URL, you are using?X=[x]&Y=[y]&Z=[z]
but you need to use?X=%x&Y=%y&Z=%z
If for some reason you need the square brackets, then you would use?X=[%x]&Y=[%y]&Z=[%z]
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Sorry for the late reply, but I have been on leave.
Anyway, many thanks for your perseverance, it looks as if you've provided the magic to get it working.
Thanks again, Tim -
Hi, just in case you are still having trouble, here is a link to my solution for this configuration.
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