Use preview Mode when loading las data through script
Is there a way to use preview mode when loading a las file through a script? I went through the doc on commands but was not able to find it. I'm working with swath data that can get up to 50Gb per file and I need a way to decimate the data for easy viewing and processing.
In the end I am using GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS BOUNDS_TYPE="POLYGON" to make a footprint of the data, but without preview mode it's maxing out my ram very fast. If preview mode is not at option in scripting, does anyone have any suggestions?
In the end I am using GENERATE_LAYER_BOUNDS BOUNDS_TYPE="POLYGON" to make a footprint of the data, but without preview mode it's maxing out my ram very fast. If preview mode is not at option in scripting, does anyone have any suggestions?
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