BUFFER function on KMZ/KML objects creates new object in wrong projection
in Bug Report
Here is the work process:
1. Begin new map with features in a Grid Coordinate System, such as US State Plane
2. Import a KMZ/KML and select an object from the KMZ file
3. Right click and perform the ADVANCED FEATURE CREATION > BUFFER function
The newly created buffer object will have an incorrectly set projection, saying it is in the Geographic coordinate system.
To fix it, the user will need to go into the new buffer layer properties and set the projection to Grid System of the work space (US State Plane). Buffer object will then appear in correct location.
1. Begin new map with features in a Grid Coordinate System, such as US State Plane
2. Import a KMZ/KML and select an object from the KMZ file
3. Right click and perform the ADVANCED FEATURE CREATION > BUFFER function
The newly created buffer object will have an incorrectly set projection, saying it is in the Geographic coordinate system.
To fix it, the user will need to go into the new buffer layer properties and set the projection to Grid System of the work space (US State Plane). Buffer object will then appear in correct location.
I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com) to address this issue. Please include a detailed description of your workflow, including screen captures of your options and data that can be used to reproduce the problem. Thanks.
Bob -
Thanks! I did and it was fixed in the new daily build. Appreciate it!
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