Compute % of Polygon Area falling within an overlaping Polygon
I have hundreds of polygons in Shapefile format (source polys). I need to compute, for each source polygon the area found within a second confining polygon. The source polys will exist both inside and outside of the confining poly.
I have no idea where to go inside of GM V21 to set up this type of computation.
Also is there a way to automate this function and write a report of the results into a spreadsheet?
I have no idea where to go inside of GM V21 to set up this type of computation.
Also is there a way to automate this function and write a report of the results into a spreadsheet?
Just an idea. Use the confining polygon as the export bounds and export the source polygons out; essentially cropping them to your confining boundary. Then import back in and compare the areas against the original polygons.
- Select the confining polygon
- Right-click on source polygons layer: Layer > Export > Shapefile
- Choose Export Areas
- Go to Export Bounds tab
- Choose Crop to Selected Area Feature(s)
- Import this new shapefile
- Turn off all layers except the source polygons
- Search > Search By Attributes, Name and Description
- In the Attribute Editor click on the Save to CSV button
- Export the data
- Repeat for the cropped source polygons
- Use Excel to compute the percentage between the original and cropped ENCLOSED_AREA values. Any feature that are absent from the side-by-side comparison have a percentage of 0.
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