Script for batch converting
in User Scripts
I want to create a script to import coordinates and batch convert them from ASCII to KMZ/KML files.
Does anybody have some examples for how to do this?
So far I have trouble with importing the files, I get the following error: WARNING: No overlays could be loaded from file.
IMPORT FILENAME="C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.asc
I want to create a script to import coordinates and batch convert them from ASCII to KMZ/KML files.
Does anybody have some examples for how to do this?
So far I have trouble with importing the files, I get the following error: WARNING: No overlays could be loaded from file.
IMPORT FILENAME="C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test.asc
The easiest way to set up an import statement for an ASCII file is to load the file into Global Mapper with parameters set up to produce your desired input. Then save a workspace file. A workspace file is a script, so you can open it in a text editor and look for the IMPORT statement for your file. There are a lot of input parameters required to tell Global Mapper what the data looks like and where to find coordinates and attribute data, and this will show you the ones you need.
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