Export to ECW fails with no error?
Hi All,
Using GM v19, i've kicked off a large ecw export were i'm merging approx. 10 x 1GB ecws + 1 x 44GB ecw (using a catalog)
It ran fine for a couple of days getting up to 5/6 percent, then when i checked back a couple days later the progress bar disappeared with no error visible. The output ecw in the destination folder is only 300mb and not readable, so it looks as thought it encountered some problem. I have about 400GB of free space in the destination folder.
Has anyone any ideas, or know where i can check/enable logging for this?
Many thanks
Using GM v19, i've kicked off a large ecw export were i'm merging approx. 10 x 1GB ecws + 1 x 44GB ecw (using a catalog)
It ran fine for a couple of days getting up to 5/6 percent, then when i checked back a couple days later the progress bar disappeared with no error visible. The output ecw in the destination folder is only 300mb and not readable, so it looks as thought it encountered some problem. I have about 400GB of free space in the destination folder.
Has anyone any ideas, or know where i can check/enable logging for this?
Many thanks
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