Problem using pixels to points
Hi, I cannot get good results using the Pixels to Points tool in GM v19. In a test I loaded 300 images aprox. for creating a point cloud, but the software only processed a portion (28 photos) of the total area I captured using a camera installed on a drone. Based on the log, I think there is a problem with my photos but I am not sure:
" 12:54:47 [App ] Camera model loaded: platform 0; camera 0; f 0.665x0.665; poses 28
" 12:54:47 [App ] Camera model loaded: platform 0; camera 0; f 0.665x0.665; poses 28
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0120.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0121.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0122.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0123.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0124.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0125.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0126.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0127.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0128.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0129.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0130.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0131.jpg'
12:54:47 [App ] warning: uncalibrated image 'undistorted_images\DJI_0132.jpg'
Could anyone explain to me what is wrong? How can I get all my photos processed? Thanks
12:54:48 [App ] Image loaded 81: DJI_0201.jpg
12:54:48 [App ] Image loaded 82: DJI_0202.jpg...."
Could anyone explain to me what is wrong? How can I get all my photos processed? Thanks
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