Reading .mpk files
Amanda McDermott
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I have been sent .mpk files, which I understand to be ArcGIS Map Package files - is there any way to open these in Globalmapper (20.1), it's not obvious to me if there is?
Hello Amanda,
Global Mapper can not import ArcGIS Map Package files. We currently have an open feature request (22919) to be able to read them, but it is not currently scheduled for implementation.
In most cases, ArcGIS file formats are proprietary, and reading them requires that you have a licensed copy of ArcGIS installed (as well as associated functionality in Global Mapper, of course.) It is possible that the .mpk file is actually a Zip archive, in which case you can rename the file and use your Zip program of choice to unpack the individual files. I don't have any sample MPK files I can use to test this theory, though, and I would be surprised if it were this simple.
Bob -
Thanks for a quick response Bob,I did try the .zip trick, it didn't work, unfortunately! I will ask if they can send in another format.Kind regards,
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