Crop a mesh (obj format)
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Vector Data
Hi Rainer,
Unfortunately, we don't have a way to do that in Global Mapper currently, so I've added a new feature request (#26496), that would implement this functionality. As usual, it needs to be added to our current lit of things to do and prioritized, so I can't say when it might be implemented, but we'll get back to you here when it's completed.
Best regards,
~Jeff -
OK. - Yes this would help me a lot.
Unfortunately I can't find a tool to do it without loosing the surface material (picture).
Thanks Jeff
Regards Rainer
I just tried Pixels to Point to create a mesh from pictures.
I was hoping that I could edit the generated point cloud (removing objects) and than create a mesh again to have the surface from the pictures.
But as Pix4D - you can't do that.
I need this too please! Any updates?
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