Flood Simulation Tool

Hi all, I really need your help. I want to do flood simulation using global mapper. I use the "Simulate Water Level Rise/Flood" tool to do that with DTM as the elevation data. I input the value of increasement water level as 15 m and not changing any other parameter values, but after i click "Ok" it shows "Unable to find any water rise areas in designated area". What does it mean and why does it happen? Can somebody help me out?
And in the "Simulate Water Level Rise/Flood" tool, what is "Depression fill depth" for?
Thank you in advance.



  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer

    I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com). Please include a detailed description of your workflow, including screen captures of the parameters you are using for the water level rise, and your DTM data. This will help them to reproduce what you are seeing, and resolve the issue.
