S-63 and USB dongle support
Would it be possible to provide a user permit generator that uses the dongle hardware id instead of being system dependent? Reasoning behind this is that our client wants to purchase hundreds of charts. If their system fails, they will be required to re-purchase these charts. This will at least reduce the chance of failure, from a system of many components to a single usb component. The current method is to launch the S-63 user permit generator, which calls GM_CreateS63UserPermitFile(). According to the discussion in the post:
Mike states, "S-63 files are encrypted for a particular application on a particular machine". Our company uses USB dongles to license our software. These dongles have a unique hardware id as required by the S-63 IHO standard:
It states in section 4.2, "a HW_ID is often implemented as a dongle or by other means ensuring a unique identification for each installation."
Thank you very much for your time,
Would it be possible to provide a user permit generator that uses the dongle hardware id instead of being system dependent? Reasoning behind this is that our client wants to purchase hundreds of charts. If their system fails, they will be required to re-purchase these charts. This will at least reduce the chance of failure, from a system of many components to a single usb component. The current method is to launch the S-63 user permit generator, which calls GM_CreateS63UserPermitFile(). According to the discussion in the post:
Mike states, "S-63 files are encrypted for a particular application on a particular machine". Our company uses USB dongles to license our software. These dongles have a unique hardware id as required by the S-63 IHO standard:
It states in section 4.2, "a HW_ID is often implemented as a dongle or by other means ensuring a unique identification for each installation."
Thank you very much for your time,
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