Test if one layer overlaps/is within another layer

Global Mapper User
Hi all,
Is it possible, via scripting, to test if 1 layer is within/overlaps another layer?
Some context:
I'm loading a bunch of files(shape files, DTM and TIF) into GM which already contains a layer with an irregular area. I'd need to test if the loaded files overlaps/is within the irregular area, if it is I keep the layer if it is not I unload the layer.
I haven't found anything in the scripting docs which brings me here.
There was a similar question asked a while ago but never got a reply:
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Is it possible, via scripting, to test if 1 layer is within/overlaps another layer?
Some context:
I'm loading a bunch of files(shape files, DTM and TIF) into GM which already contains a layer with an irregular area. I'd need to test if the loaded files overlaps/is within the irregular area, if it is I keep the layer if it is not I unload the layer.
I haven't found anything in the scripting docs which brings me here.
There was a similar question asked a while ago but never got a reply:
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
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