Problem with GM19 software distribution
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in SDK
we tried to distribute our software which relies on Globalmapper 19.
My client have a crash within Globalmapperinterface64.dll (exception code 0xc0000005).
It only works with Globalmapper 16 (I give the same piece of software, only setting the correct distribution key and delivering the version 16 something DLL).
What could be wrong with globalmapper 19's dll ?
Hello again,here I am, about one year later without having any solution.I was able to reproduce not exactly the same bug but a very similar one on another workstation. The application does not seem to start when relying on GlobalMapper 19, whereas there is no problem with GlobalMapper 16. I have a memory dump (which I can provide) that points out a problem in GlobalMapperInterface64.dll..Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Yann
Have you contacted Blue Marble Support ( so they can look into this?
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