Transferring GPS data from global mapper mobile
in GPS Features
Hi Guys,
I am using Global Mapper Mobile to collect data in the field, and I am using the 'GPS auto-track feature' to track my position. I have the auto track feature set to record my position every 30 seconds however when I transfer the GPS data to my desktop the time of the position recorded is not an included attribute. This is important as I need to correlate the time of the GPS position with measurements taken in the field. Is there anyway I can include the time of the GPS auto track position as an attribute when I transfer the data over? Any help is much appreciated.
I am using Global Mapper Mobile to collect data in the field, and I am using the 'GPS auto-track feature' to track my position. I have the auto track feature set to record my position every 30 seconds however when I transfer the GPS data to my desktop the time of the position recorded is not an included attribute. This is important as I need to correlate the time of the GPS position with measurements taken in the field. Is there anyway I can include the time of the GPS auto track position as an attribute when I transfer the data over? Any help is much appreciated.
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