Mask 3d data by 2d bounds in version 18.2
Hi all!
So I'd like to limit my 3d view on what is shown on the 2d map. I checked on the 3d view properties option and nothing seems available there as I am seeing that it should be from the help section. Maybe there are some differences for version 18.2 and/or the option is unavailable?
Thank you all,
Hello Pietro,
The ability to mask the 3D bounds by the 2D bounds is not in Global Mapper 18. You will need to upgrade to Global Mapper 20 (the latest version) to get that functionality.
Bob -
Hi Bob,thanks for the answer(s) eheh.Ok I guessed so but I was wondering if I maybe I could not update, since a colleague of mine has GM 15 and there it works by default.Cheers,Pietro
Pietro_M said:Ok I guessed so but I was wondering if I maybe I could not update, since a colleague of mine has GM 15 and there it works by default.
In Global Mapper 18, we rewrote the 3D Viewer and removed the restriction that the 3D bounds were always limited by the 2D bounds on the screen. It turns out that a lot of users liked that mode, because they found the performance to be better, so we added it back in for Global Mapper 19.
Bob -
I see, that was what I was thinking,Thank you Bob!
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