3D View in GM20 not displaying
Hi All!
I've emailed Tech Support but, thought I should throw it out to the forum too...
We purchased a new laptop; MSI GS63 Stealth, 8th gen i7, NVIDIA GTX1060, SSD &HDD.
I've emailed Tech Support but, thought I should throw it out to the forum too...
We purchased a new laptop; MSI GS63 Stealth, 8th gen i7, NVIDIA GTX1060, SSD &HDD.
We then updated to GM 20 on the new laptop.
We have 2 issues:
1.) When I have a .las file loaded and press the show 3D button the 3D window opens but, no points are displayed. If I press the home/default view nothing happens. If I scroll - I notice a single pixel flashing, as if there is data/points displayed and something is moving. Occasionally/Randomly the points will display but, they 'flicker' considerably whenever the mouse is moved.
2.) I opened a GM19 workspace (in GM20) and the point classifications had changed in type and place i.e. some ground points became building points. The file had been zipped, then extracted on 2 different laptops - if that is a consideration.
All thoughts, tips and ideas are welcomed.
All thoughts, tips and ideas are welcomed.
UPDATE: issue resolved!
The laptop has a couple of background apps or services running which seem to be the culprits.
In our case it was a start up service Nahimic. Support mentioned that Sonic Suite also causes issues.
Was not easy to isolate or identify.
Thanks - -
Note that with Windows updates the service will restart and need to be disabled -again.
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