Feathering within a script
Hi guys,
I'm combining multiple DEMs in a script to generate a combined terrain model. The script imports several geotiffs, and also imports and interpolates some vulcan triangulations. I would like to apply the feathering to all of the elevation data in the view, using the option:
"feather to polygonal coverage of valid data".
Ideally I'd like to apply the settings directly to each layer as it is imported, or in the case of interpolated data, when the layer is generated.
I can't find any way to do this at the moment? Even if I export the interpolated elevation grids and re-import them, there doesn't seem to a be command to feather for the valid data.
I'm combining multiple DEMs in a script to generate a combined terrain model. The script imports several geotiffs, and also imports and interpolates some vulcan triangulations. I would like to apply the feathering to all of the elevation data in the view, using the option:
"feather to polygonal coverage of valid data".
Ideally I'd like to apply the settings directly to each layer as it is imported, or in the case of interpolated data, when the layer is generated.
I can't find any way to do this at the moment? Even if I export the interpolated elevation grids and re-import them, there doesn't seem to a be command to feather for the valid data.
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