Reprojecting/Exporting raster imagery is deleting the source imagery?
My source GeoTIFFs are being deleted after reprojecting/exporting to newly tiled GeoTIFFs. I am very new to GM, but wasn't expecting source data to go missing or be deleted after export? Thanks in advance.
That doesn't sound right. I suggest that you contact Blue Marble Support directly via email ( Please include a detailed description of your workflow, including screen captures of the options you use when exporting your GeoTIFF files, and data that can be used to reproduce the problem. Thanks.
Bob -
Thanks Bob. I got an email into them. Here is my workflow in case anyone has any thoughts.
My workflow is as follows:
1- Create new map catalog and add source GeoTIFFs
2- Add grid shapefile for tiling
3- Define the projection
4- Select grid tiles for export with digitizer tool
5- Export to new output location (different than source directory)
See attached screenshots for GeoTIFF export options used during export:
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