Sending Points and Area Files to Garmin Montana 680 Unit
Dear All, Thank you for letting me join this forum, I'm a newbie in the world of Global Mapper and learning how to operate the software daily.
Currently I have created area shapefiles and within them highlighted points of interest.
I have no idea on how to send those coordinates and points to my new montana 680 Garmin device so I can simply hand the device over with the pre-loaded data to our geologist and he can conduct ground tests.
Many Thanks All.
Mr Masters
zikomo said:Dear All, Thank you for letting me join this forum, I'm a newbie in the world of Global Mapper and learning how to operate the software daily.Currently I have created area shapefiles and within them highlighted points of interest.I have no idea on how to send those coordinates and points to my new montana 680 Garmin device so I can simply hand the device over with the pre-loaded data to our geologist and he can conduct ground tests.Many Thanks All.Mr Masters
the answer might be file-export-vector/lidar format - GPX format
Many Thanks
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